Serving your CDL Learner
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New Hampshire Practice CDL Tests
New Hampshire
If you are not a resident of NEW HAMPSHIRE please

Company Sponsored New Hampshire Truck Driving Schools FREE New Hampshire CDL Tuition

New Hampshire Truck Driving Schools owned and operated by the employer. Often no up-front costs - FREE TUITION - with a contracted employment obligation upon completion of training.

THREE types of New Hampshire CDL Skills Training Programs

NH CDL Skills Tests Prep, NH CDL Skills Tests Prep

Go to New Hampshire CDL Selector Tool
If you need help . . .
determining what Class of CDL you need based upon the type of vehicle you will drive (A, B or C) or are not sure which CDL Endorsements you need based upon the type of loads you will carry; use the free CDL Selector Tool . . .
New Hampshire
Go to CDL Selector Tool
(Use only for a new CDL)
Not sure which NH CDL Tests you need to pass? Use this tool to determine what Class of CDL and which CDL Endorsements you require.


Some large New Hampshire trucking companies maintain their own Truck Driving Schools. These New Hampshire trucking companies operated schools can be a good option for responsible individuals who do not have the financial means to pay for a private New Hampshire truck driving school. Upon satisfactory completion of the program you are employed by the New Hampshire trucking company that gave you the so called "free" training. The "catch" is that you have to sign a detailed contract before you start training. The contract normally requires you to meet standards at the school and to drive for the company for a specified period of time under specified conditions. If you fail to meet the conditions set forth in the contract, they will make you pay for the training and/or penalties for not fulfilling the contract . . . sometimes as high as $20,000. If you stay healthy and don't have a personal crisis while completing the terms of contract, this can work out just fine. However, in some cases, it has been the financial ruin of many a good man! CAUTION: READ AND UNDERSTAND AND BE PREPARED TO MEET THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE CONTRACT!

FOUR advantages of New Hampshire Company Sponsored CDL Schools . . .

  • FAST - Usually less than a month
  • High Quality Training - Includes followup after you receive your New Hampshire CDL for successful over-the-road driving (you basically work-for-them so they want you to succeed)
  • Little or no up-front tuition (read your contract - they aren't giving you "something for nothing"
  • Guaranteed Job! You are pre-qualified to work for the company upon completion of training

Are YOU ready to get YOUR New Hampshire CDL?
Prepare for YOUR New Hampshire CDL Tests NOW . . .

 New Hampshire CDL License
In addition to the New Hampshire CDL (commercial driver's license) information found in our website covering the New Hampshire CDL and in the free New Hampshire CDL Handbook (which is quite boring and a bit confusing - and doesn't have a single multiple-choice question in it that is asked on the actual tests), the complete online New Hampshire CDL Practice Test prep program will prepare you to easily pass your New Hampshire CDL written exams to get your New Hampshire CDL permit. The skills test modules are invaluable to give you a head start before doing your behind the wheel work, possibly saving you a lot of money. The New Hampshire CDL test prep program includes the following features . . .
  • Covers ALL Eight New Hampshire CDL written tests.
    • In separate study modules - you won't need all of them - don't waste time on what you don't require.
  • Covers ALL Three New Hampshire CDL skills tests.
    • In separate study modules - you won't need all of them - don't waste time on what you don't require.
  • 670 practice New Hampshire CDL test questions with actual answers.
  • Access to CDL videos covering written and skills tests.
  • CDL study guide in both text and audio - listen as you read along.
  • CDL study Quick Reviews.
  • Interactive online CDL Quizzes.
  • and much more!
May your new CAREER be prosperous!!!

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Michael Hamilton
Free CDL Practice Test "I never would have passed if I tried studying without your CDL program. I usually don't do good on tests. This made it interesting and simple." - D.M., Ogden, UT
Free CDL Practice Test "A friend recommended your product. Worked perfectly for him two years ago. Worked perfectly for me. He was right . . . it was better than described. I just got my Class A CDL with HazMat and tanker endorsements." - C.H., Mesa, AZ
Free CDL Practice Test "I just want to thank you for your program. Much better than expected. I got my Class B permit on my first try. I am now studying your CDL skills tests material before I start my hands-on training." - M.K., Lakeland, FL
Free CDL Practice Test "Just as described on your web site. It made my study easy, fast and interesting. I appreciated having many study options. I passed very confidently." - C. D., Toledo, OH
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